

here is the artist statement,translated by Thao Nguyen



Nguyen Phuong Linh


I was born in the city ofdust

The traffic carries dust


The rain stirs up dust

The sun shines through dust

Dust of construction, thedust of workers, dust of the street,

Dust of a river, acathedral, a kindergarten

Dust of the Long Bienbridge, of the Lenin statue, of Uncle Ho


Dust of tobacco, dust ofrubber, and dust of soap


The grandparents have longreturned to dust, the apartment block is now full of dust


The dust of a journey,


Fukuoka is clean andeverything but there is still dust,

The dust of a bomb

Dust of the brothels

Dust of the volcanoes, dustof the seaports

The dust of an island


The eyes blur with dust


The dust of a wanderingstar


I thought collecting dustfrom nostalgic places and objects meant collecting memories.

But the dust has no memory,no value, no meaning. It is just dust.

dust 3.jpg  



dust 5.jpg  

(all the photos above: Linh)


this work was presented by one of my good friends i met during my residence in fukuoka and her/the artist is called Linh


(photo by party after ten)

she is sexy, smart and always wears very pretty eyeliner.

while she talks, she always keeps very smooth voice and this makes people feel calm and relax.

she is presenting her dust work in fukuoka and if you have time,

pls pay a visit.

it's touching!


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