


“I take nothing with me. I start everything in Taiwan. Maybe just a suitcase, a little bit of clothes. I dont’t know anything about the country, but I am ready to embrace everything I see." —Kathrin Stalder 

立晴(Kathrin Stalder)來自瑞士,一個在陸地中央、沒有海的地方。她嚮往海的寧靜與廣闊,那包容著記憶、情緒與想像力的蔚藍。當她第一次來台灣時,海便是她創作的起點,她蒐集海邊被遺棄的日常物件;那些大家眼中的無用之物,皆被賦予新的價值而重生,成為她的作品。正是這樣純粹、直觀的眼光吸引了樹火,邀請立晴將她的發現帶進博物館。 




A Walk from the Sea to Suho

Kathrin Stalder's Solo Exhibition

While most of us are busy looking ahead in life, there are some who stop and look around, bending and raising their head again, looking for little details around them that will surprise them. 

"I take nothing with me. I will start everything again in Taiwan, with maybe just a suitcase and some clothes. I don't know anything about the country, but I am ready to embrace everything I see.
—Kathrin Stalder

Kathrin Stalder was born in Switzerland, where she lived miles from the sea. As a result she always yearned to see the calmness and vastness of the ocean. She felt it contained all the memories, emotions and creativity of the world.

The first time she came to Taiwan, the ocean was where she started creating her artwork. She collected abandoned objects, which people had left around and transformed them into something new. These objects ultimately became her artworks of today. Kathrin Stalder's artwork caught Suho's attention and we decided to invite her to share her findings at the Suho Memorial Paper Museum.

The creation of The Suho Memorial Paper Museum was also a transformation. When the parents of its founder, Chen Ruey Huey, passed away in a plane accident, the grief she had to go through healed over time and slowly grew into positive energy which allowed her to accomplish the dream they had had. This museum which initially contained sorrow and grief transformed into bright warm light. Over these past few years, Suho has used paper as a medium to spread how important being connected with nature is.

Suho is turning 20 years old this year and is going to celebrate this special day with Kathrin Stalder Using a month of her collected abandon objects found throughout Taiwan and combining them with personal handmade paper objects, such as books, lunch boxes and maps, we have created an exhibition which details the importance of combining paper with art. For local Taiwanese people it may seem like a mirror. It gives us a chance to understand how rich life already is and how life is constantly in between the process of receiving and losing. 

There are many important moments in life; most of the time they are the ones you can never forget. However, we always forget the little details that actually build us as a person and form what we are now. Through the vision of art we realise that time is the most important gift a person can have. Within art the dead come alive once again. We have to believe that every new step we take can always be another new world for us to explore.

展覽時間│2015 / 09 / 28 Mon. ~ 2016 / 01 / 02 Sat.

展覽地點│樹火紀念紙博物館 週一 ~ 週六 09:30 ~ 16:30 / 週日休館


(圖文引用自:樹火紀念紙博物館//source including text and picture : )



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